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Self-Guided Tour of the James M. Milne Library

Wood doors open to a brick walled room with study spaces.

Step-by-Step Tour of the Basement

  1. From the stairs or the elevator entrance of the basement floor, you will find vending machines and the sub-basement stairs entrance. 
  2. If you walk through the wood doors (as is pictured above), you will find an area with study spaces and whiteboards. 
  3. To the left of the entrance, you will find the Information Technology Services (ITS) for SUNY Oneonta, which have their own service desk and is where you should go if you have any technology issues on campus. 
  4. Also on the basement floor are computer labs, printers (including the library's color printer), SUNY Oneonta's Faculty Center, and the library's Collection Development, Resource Management & Sharing Department (CDRMS).