Call numbers are like addresses for books. Each book has its own unique call number, which makes it easy to find the exact book you are looking for. Most materials in Milne Library are arranged by subject through the Library of Congress Classification System. This means that books on similar topics will be next to each other on the shelf, so if you find a call number for one book, chances are that you can browse the shelves in that section and find additional books on your topic. Check out the Call Number Guide below for more information and an example of how it works!
Many of the books on United States Foreign Relations will be found in the call number range
There are three options you can explore for finding books. Two are available through the Advanced Search on the library's website: Library Catalog and SUNY Catalog. The other is WorldCat and is available in the database list under W. The Library Catalog searches holdings within Milne Library; SUNY Catalog searches libraries across all SUNYs (note: interlibrary loan is typically very fast when requested from another SUNY), and WorldCat searches libraries across the United States and the world. More information on each can be found below
The Library Catalog is one place to start when searching for books. From the library's main page, click Advanced, and at the top, choose Library Catalog.
After you do your search, you can use the Availability and Resource Type facets on the left to narrow your results to print books or e-books.
You should always sign in, as this will allow you to access e-books, save items to your folder, etc.:
When you find a book you'd like to check out, you will need the location and call number to find it on the shelf.
Most physical (print) materials can be checked out for the whole semester at the Circulation Desk on the first floor. All you need is your ID! A few collections, such as Special Collections and the Reference Collection, do not circulate but can be used in the Library.
Check out the video tutorial below for step-by-step instructions:
The process is very much the same as looking for books using the Library Catalog. After clicking Advanced Search, choose SUNY Catalog at the top of the screen. When you find a book you would like to request, simply sign in, click on the title of the book, click Resource Sharing scroll down, and hit Send Request. That's it! You will be able to see the status of your request by logging into Illiad.
Browse and search a comprehensive database of books, journals, and media owned by libraries world-wide. WorldCat legacy version using the FirstSearch interface.
This database allows you to search well over a billion items, including books in Milne Library AND books from thousands of other libraries around the world. Books owned by Milne Library or Hartwick College will be denoted. Books from Hartwick can be picked up at the Stevens-German Library on the Hartwick College campus and checked out using your SUNY Oneonta ID. Books from other libraries can be requested through interlibrary loan. Remember to plan ahead, since it may take weeks or more for a requested book to arrive! Simply click on the title of the book, scroll down a little bit to "Get This Item," click "Request Via Interlibrary Loan," and follow the prompts.
The search interface offers many options. You can limit type to Books, and audience to Not Juvenile. You can also limit availability, so that you bring up materials just from Milne, and/or Hartwick.