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Elsevier Negotiations and Access to ScienceDirect

Scholarly Communications Strategies

To provide the resources and collections SUNY Oneonta needs to innovate, grow and sustain our mission academic excellence, we must work for the evolution of academic publishing.


  • Leveraging our SUNY networks of shared collections and services. There are opportunities for multi-campus collaboration.
  • Disengage from profit-driven publishing. We know faculty are aware of the inequities inherent in our scholarly communication processes -- more than 14,000 scholars have signed the boycott of Elsevier housed at The Cost of Knowledge (
  • Open Access mandate.  March 22, 2018 the SUNY Board of Trustees adopted the "Campus Open Access Policies and System Repository" mandate which calls for Open Access policies to be developed and encourages produces of scholarship to make versions of their work available in campus repositories.
  • No Cost/ Low Cost pathways.  Supporting OER adoption and development while leveraging library collections and resources to reduce course costs for students.