Follow these step-by-step instructions to search for peer-reviewed articles available to you through the Milne Library.
- Navigate to the James M. Milne Library Homepage (
- Select the "Advanced Search" Tab, then select "Milne Search" which will produce results in the Milne Library holdings, as well as databases we have access to, and open access materials from the web.
- Use Boolean search logic to search the Library Catalog for resources on your topic.
- Note: Separate your search topics in different lines and use the AND OR NOT operators to combine your search terms. Please see the below box for additional information on Boolean operators.
- Select Articles as Material Type, then select the date range that is applicable to your class assignment, and then select the "Search" button.
- Sign-In to the Library by selecting the yellow "Sign-in" box, to show you the entire results list available to you.
- Once you see your results list:
- If you only want to see peer-reviewed journals, select "Peer-Review" and then "Apply Filters" in the 'Refine your Results' menu.
Note: If you are not able to find a source you are looking for, try adding a broader search term. If you have too many results, try adding some more specific search terms. Always remember, your library is here for you, and we can help you find sources for your assignments, reach out to us and ask for help!