Follow these step-by-step instructions to search for print books currently available in the Milne Library.
Note: If you are not able to find a book you are looking for, try adding a broader search term. If you have too many results, try adding some more specific search terms. Always remember, your library is here for you, and we can help you find books for your assignments, reach out to us and ask for help!
Boolean operators are words or symbols that are used in conjunction with words to refine searches.
Here are six helpful ones to use:
Call numbers are the stickers the spines of books which identify the address for the book. This address tells you what collection the book is available in, and in turn what floor to find the book on. For example, the call number T14 .O57 2007, identifies:
To locate the book you are looking for, use the Library Floor Plans resource on the Self Guided Library Tour tab, or use the blue Library Floor Plans brochure given to you in class.