Each year, faculty and staff contribute posters and presentations to the SUNY Oneonta Life of the Mind (LOTM) event. This showcase is a chance to share their current teaching, research, creative, service, and other contributions to the intellectual life of the campus and community.
For the past two years, Life of the Mind has been presented in an online format. This year, in an effort to extend the experience of the showcase beyond a two-day event, the library is offering a digital display of the posters and presentations.
Come see the scrolling display on the first floor of Milne Library, facing the main seating area and across from the Reference Desk. You might learn something about SUNY Oneonta's new automated weather station (presented by Dr. Chris Karmosky of the Earth and Atmospheric department) or get inspired by the "Wormy World" of Dr. Florian Reyda (Biology) and his summer parasitology interns.
The display materials were purchased thanks to the Faculty Fellows program of the Office of the Provost. Brendan Aucoin of the Milne Library used funds from his Faculty Fellows project to support SUNY Oneonta scholarship in the library.
The full set of posters, presentations, and videos from Life of the Mind are available until November 2022 at the Acadiate website. Previous years of LOTM are listed on the Grants Development Office website.
Find the new digital display on Milne Library's 1st floor, across from the Reference Desk.
What a great way to draw attention to campus scholarly and creative achievement!
This is wonderful, thank you for supporting and promoting our scholarly events and showcases!
Latest comment 2022-01-06T14:34:00-05:00 by Jennifer Jensen