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Spanish: A Guide to Research

I love open access buttonThe Spanish faculty at SUNY Oneonta have written several open access textbooks, which you (and anyone in the world) can access for free! Learn more about our campus Open Educational Resources (OER) Initiative, which supports the work of creating and  using openly licensed books at SUNY Oneonta.

Visit the Spanish department's open books at the links below.

I love open access by OpenEdition on Flikr, CC-BY-NC-ND

Spanish I & II textbooks

Introductory Spanish I (online textbook)

This is the online textbook for SPAN 101: Introductory Spanish I. In the course, your instructor will also provide access to the interactive Waymaker version of the text. 

Introductory Spanish II (online textbook)

This is the online textbook for SPAN 102: Introductory Spanish II. In the course, your instructor will also provide access to the interactive Waymaker version of the text. 


About the books: The Spanish I and II textbooks offer a comprehensive introductory Spanish sequence, providing guidance and practice in reading, writing, listening to, and speaking Spanish. Each module includes thematic vocabulary, sequenced grammar instruction, numerous self-check drills and exercises, open-form communicative activities, scaffolded writing assignments, and reading passages exploring various aspects of life and culture in the Spanish-speaking world. Each grammar section is introduced by a short reading passage to highlight new structures and patterns within their linguistic context. Within each lesson, self-grading practice activities with targeted feedback allow students to learn by doing and track their level of mastery. The text is accompanied by engaging images and videos throughout, and all vocabulary and reading passages include audio files to practice pronunciation and listening comprehension.

These textbooks were designed and developed by the Spanish department at SUNY Oneonta in cooperation with Lumen Learning. This project was supported by SUNY OER Services with funds from New York State’s 2018-2019 budget allocation for Open Educational Resources.

Spanish Phonetics and Phonology

¿Cómo suena? Fonética y fonología del español, by Alejandra Escudero, Nicole Barreca, and Alyssa Carbone

This online text is a companion book for SPAN 316: Spanish Phonetics and Phonology course. It was written by students and the instructor of the course at SUNY Oneonta.

About the book: El propósito de este sitio complementario es reforzar los conceptos que los estudiantes han aprendido en clase de una manera sencilla. Los estudiantes pueden utilizar el sitio para practicar lo que están aprendiendo, obtener consejos de los estudiantes que han tomado el curso de fonética y fonología, estudiar para los exámenes, y comprender los conceptos a través de explicaciones e imágenes. ¡Feliz práctica!

Spanish American Civilization

Civilizacion Hispanoamericana coverCivilización Hispanoamericana, by Elizabeth Small

This is the textbook for SPAN 205: Spanish American Civilization, written by Dr. Elizabeth Small at SUNY Oneonta. 

About the book: Un recorrido por la historia y cultura de Hispanoamérica, diseñado para estudiantes de la lengua española a nivel intermedio.