TIP: Academic libraries are different from public libraries -- if you are new to finding and using academic resources, Milne Library recommends that you take the 3-credit course, INTD 150: Library & Internet Research. No matter your major, it will help you for your entire college career, and well beyond!
Google Scholar can be used to search for full-text articles available in Milne Library subscription databases.
This page offers ideas for how and where to search for research sources in the Milne Library. Scroll down to find reference books, databases full of articles, and search tips that are tailored to French students.
Contact the library's Reference Desk to help find a source, or set up a consultation with a Reference & Instruction Librarian for an hour-long research session. For more information, visit the Get Library Help page.
Databases are searchable online catalogs for research materials like scholarly journals and articles, books, primary source materials (such as letters, maps, datasets, or photographs), and video and audio materials. Milne Library's databases are all listed at A-Z Databases.
For best results, use Advanced Search options. Try combining the name of the region, country, author, or other main topic you are focusing on with additional French-related subject terms to find scholarly articles. Some example subject terms to try:
Look for "filter" options in your search results that let you choose the language of the resource (if you are looking for French language articles, for example) or the dates of publication. If you are looking for a certain kind of research material -- like a full-text article, a book, or an audio file -- you can often filter for type, too.
Leverage your knowledge of foreign languages to expand the number of search terms you can use:
Research databases are searchable online catalogs of research materials like scholarly journals and articles, books, primary source materials (such as letters, maps, datasets, or photographs), and video and audio materials.
Some databases are freely accessible online. French-language open access databases include:
Some databases require paid subscriptions by your library. Milne Library's databases are all listed at A-Z Databases. Here are some best bets in our collection for French:
Search and analyze the history of Latin America and the Caribbean from the sixteenth through twentieth century through primary source documents.
Search periodical content to explore cultural differences, contributions, and influences in the global community.
Online global resource including political, economic and statistical information about more than 250 countries and territories, as well as international and regional organizations.
You do not need to login to access content.
The Europa World Year Book was first published in 1926 and, together with the nine Regional Surveys of the World, is renowned as one of the world's leading reference works.
Database provide full-text access to thousands of academic journals and e-books across most subject areas.
Contains over 2.3 million citations from more than 4,400 journals & series and 1,000 book publishers. Includes almost 60 titles from J-STOR's language and literature collection as well as links to full text. Coverage is from about 1920.
These databases cover general interest and academic topics, but targeted search terms (like those suggested in "Library search tips" above) can yield great results for French course assignments and projects. Most offer language-specific searches.
Full text for about 8,500 periodicals including over 7,300 peer-reviewed journals across most areas of academic study as well as indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 magazines and journals. Coverage is from 1887 to the present.
Contains over 2.3 million citations from more than 4,400 journals & series and 1,000 book publishers. Includes almost 60 titles from J-STOR's language and literature collection as well as links to full text. Coverage is from about 1920.
To look for books in the Milne Library catalog, navigate to the library homepage and click on 'Advanced Search.' Then enter your search terms.
Reference sources--like encyclopedias and dictionaries--provide an overview or summary of your topic and are ideal to be used when starting research. Some useful French reference titles are listed here. Print reference resources are currently located on the sub-basement and the 2nd floor in the Milne Library.
The Oxford-Hachette French dictionary: French-English, English-French by Marie-Hélène Corréard, Valerie Grundy, Jean-Benoit Ormal-Grenon, and Nicholas Rollin
Call Number: REF PC2640 .O83 2007
ISBN: 978-0198614227
Publication Date: 2007
Acclaimed by language professionals the world over, the Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary has long been the market leader. Using the statistical evidence provided by vast electronic databanks of language currently being written and spoken, our expert editors have made it the most comprehensive, reliable, and up-to-date dictionary of French and English available today. This fully updated fourth edition has even better coverage of the language than ever before, with improved treatment of acronyms and EU terminology, as well as thousands of new words in both English and French. A must for anyone studying the French language, this dictionary has been tailored to the needs of students in consultation with key academic advisors. This edition contains even more of the useful information for language students or part-time residents abroad, including sample bills and rental agreements. By far the most up-to-date and complete French dictionary of its size, it will provide one-stop shopping for all your language needs.
Collection littéraire Lagarde et Michard : les grands auteurs franc̦ais du programme : anthologie et histoire littéraire edited by André Lagarde and Laurent Michard
Call number: PQ1109 .L3 1982
Publication date: 1982
The Collection Littéraire Lagarde et Michard is an anthology of French literature by century.
La conjugaison pour tous (Nouvelle Edition) edited by Bénédicte Delaunay and Nicolas Laurent
Call number: PC2272 .C66 2012
ISBN: 9782218951985
Publication date: 2012
Repensée et soigneusement mise à jour, cette nouvelle édition du Bescherelle La conjugaison pour tous constitue plus que jamais l'outil indispensable de la conjugaison française. L'ouvrage comprend trois parties complémentaires qui donnent toutes les indications nécessaires pour trouver et orthographier les formes de n'importe quel verbe français.
One option is to use ILLiad, our interlibrary loan system, to request that the book be sent from another library. Remember that it can take a while to fulfill an ILL request, and it's occasionally not possible. Another possibility is Resource Sharing, which allows us to borrow books from most other SUNYs, CUNYs, and several other private colleges throughout New York State. An advantage to Resource Sharing is that the checkout terms are longer.
You cannot obtain required course textbooks through ILL or Resource Sharing.
There are many open access book collections available freely on the internet. Here are a few great collections:
A service of the OAPEN Foundation based at the National Library in The Hague, Netherlands. Database contains more than 5,000 academic, peer-reviewed books from 163 publishers.
Partnership of academic and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
Offers over 53,000 free eBooks, most of which are primary source texts in the public domain.
Project of the U.S. Library of Congress and UNESCO. Makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from all countries and cultures.
There are two ways to find eBooks from the library's collections. One method is to search in the Milne Library catalog. Navigate to the library homepage and click on 'Advanced Search.' Then enter your search terms.
The second method is to search each Milne Library's eBook databases (in case something in a database is not showing up in our catalog). All eBook databases are available in the A-Z Database list, and here are some best bets:
Access to over 150,000 multidisciplinary ebooks.
Over 100,000 full-text e-books in categories including adult fiction and non-fiction, art, biography, business, economics, computer science, education, medicine, history, literature, philosophy, political science, psychology, and reference. Downloadable to portable devices.
Scholarly e-books across science, medicine, technology, humanities, and social science disciplines, including over 20,000 full-text titles.
Can be used for course content: eBooks from academic publishers in STEM disciplines.