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French: A Guide to Research

News and Audiovisual sources

What's happening in the (French-speaking) world?

Check out these sources for French-language news:

Listen & watch in French:

Image: Bayonne, France trilingual sign by Keizers, CC-BY-SA

Online Language Learning Resources

Online textbooks and workbooks

Français interactif open textbook

This online textbook was developed at the University of Texas at Austin in the Department of French and Italian. A result of over ten years of collaboration between academic and technical professionals, it was funded and created by the UT Liberal Arts Instruction Technology Services and is currently supported by the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL).


Le Pont online textbook & workbook

This open educational resource (OER) from the University of Kansas is being updated regularly and offers both a textbook and workbook for each chapter. 

Collections of language learning resources

Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL): French 

Housed at the University of Texas at Austin, COERLL is one of 16 National Foreign Language Resource Centers (LRC's) funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The overall mission of these federally-funded centers is to improve the teaching and learning of foreign languages by producing resources (materials and best practices) that can be profitably employed in a variety of settings.

Language tools

Language Tools Recommended by your Instructors

Phonetic transcription tools

Phonetic transcription keyboards