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Milne Library Scholar


Applications will be open for the first three weeks of each semester (Fall and Spring) depending on availability of positions. Collaborative research projects will be considered, however collaborators must share a single office.


Applications for Academic Year 2023-2024 are closed. 


Applications will be judged using the following criteria:

Can the proposed project be reasonably completed?

Provide evidence that the scope of the project is appropriate to the time frame selected, and that enough initial investigation has been accomplished to complete the project.

Does the proposed project align with the mission of the library?

To provide quality information resources, services, and expertise, and to create an inviting and stimulating intellectual center as the foundation for the teaching, learning, and research activities at the State University of New York College at Oneonta.

Will the proposed project make use of library resources?

Milne Library has a wealth of physical and online resources to support research. Including specific library resources you plan to use in your research will demonstrate that some preliminary investigation into the research topic has already begun. Some helpful places to begin your search: 

Milne Library Catalog

Milne Library Guides

A-Z Database List


Does the proposed project demonstrates a clear and focused research agenda?

Include in the abstract a clear line of inquiry with a (tentative) plan for accomplishing the project. 

Does the proposal demonstrates strong communication skills?

Ensure the submitted proposal is free of spelling and grammatical errors.