You can find the style guide and other resources for APA by visiting the link below.
Your company must be a domestic, publicly traded company. To find out if it is public, there are a few strategies you can use:
It is important to try to find company profiles and reports that have been published within the past two years. Tables of contents can help you find specific company information. It is also important to check multiple sources as some will fill in gaps other sources do not cover.
Research global companies and industries with in-depth analysis through current news, statistical data, and comprehensive reports.
Interlibrary loan can be helpful if you are looking for resources the library does not currently own. This is a service free of charge to all SUNY Oneonta students and faculty. Digital documents, such as PDFs, can be delivered in as little as a couple of hours whereas physical items, such as books, can take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks, depending on availability. It is a good idea not to wait until the last minute to do your research in case you need to use ILL.