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FASH 3210: Fashion Retail Management (McCracken) Fall 2024


Hello and Welcome! This course guide was created for Dr. McCraken's FASH 3210: Fashion Retail Management Fall 2024 course. It provides users with helpful tips about the research process and research tools. Included is information about subject-specific databases, magazines, and research tips to complete assignments for the course. Any questions can be emailed to or asked at the reference desk. 

This guide was created by Alayna L. Vander Veer, reference and instruction librarian. 

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Research Consultations

When you need in-depth help on a topic for a research paper or project, you can schedule an hour-long, one-on-one research consultation with a reference librarian. Reference librarians provide personal research consultations regarding specialized resources, specific assignments, or other in-depth research needs. Consultations will be conducted online via Teams or through email with the assigned librarian.

Request a research consultation here


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