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NUTR 1200: Nutrition II (Basile) Spring 2024

This course guide contains information relating to research for this class.


Hello and welcome! This course guide was created to serve as a resource for students taking NUTR 1200: Nutrition II with Professor Basile in the spring 2024 semester. The guide contains useful information about finding and retrieving sources to complete research assignments. If you have any questions about library resources and research, please reach out to the instruction librarian, Alayna Vander Veer, at

New to Academic Research?

What is "academic research"?

Academic research includes finding published articles, academic books, and other information written by experts on the topic in order to inform your understanding of an issue, provide background information, and support your argument for a paper or project. 

What is a "database"?

A database is an online collection of information organized so users can easily access that information by searching in various ways. It is different from a search engine, like google, because a library database has information that has been tagged specifically to organize it into categories and subjects for simple access. For example, the library catalog is a database that organizes what the library has in its physical collection for easy retrieval. Different databases have different kinds of information. EBSCO's Family Studies Abstracts is a database that contains only academic journal articles, magazine articles, and newspaper articles about topics in Marriage and Family Studies. 

What is an "academic journal"?

An academic journal (also known as a scholarly journal, scientific journal, or peer-reviewed journal) is periodical publication containing articles written by experts in a specific field of study. For example, the Journal of Marriage & Family has peer-reviewed articles about the topic written by experts in Family Studies. 

What does "peer-reviewed" mean?

Peer-reviewed is a process of which experts (peers) in a field evaluate an article on their subject of expertise before it is published to make sure that the article is accurate and credible. This is a way to ensure the academic quality and truthfulness of scholarly articles.

What is a "peer-reviewed article" or a "peer-reviewed publication"?

A peer-reviewed article has been read, evaluated, and approved by other experts in the field for publication. If you use materials from peer-reviewed publications they have been evaluated by other scholars in the field and determined to be credible and accurate. 
