Main phone: 607-436-3702
Circulation desk: 607-436-2796
Reference desk: 607-436-2722
The ILLiad system enables current SUNY Oneonta members to obtain materials from other libraries.
After hours and anytime, the ever-expanding Library Help FAQ knowledge base has answers to a broad array of questions plus the opportunity to submit your own question.
Hello everyone and welcome to your research starter kit! My name is Heather Stalter and I will be your personal librarian through the rest of the semester. To the left, you'll notice a few different tabs that will take you to different information that will give you pointers on research and help you discover many resources that are available free through the library, even if we aren't here in the library in person.
If you have any questions, please always feel free to contact me- I am happy to help! My email address is and my phone number is 607-436-3585.
Do you need on-the-spot help finding a library resource -- a book or article for a class, or a database to search? This is a reference question! Visit the Reference Desk in Milne Library (or call us at 607-436-2722), ask now via our Online Library Chat, or send an email.
When you need in-depth help on a topic for a research paper or project, you can schedule an hour-long, one-on-one research consultation with a reference librarian. Reference librarians provide personal research consultations regarding specialized resources, specific assignments, or other in-depth research needs. Consultations will be conducted online via Teams or through email with the assigned librarian.
Is the library closed? E-mail a question to a Milne librarian & get a response within 24 hours (weekdays only).