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Africana and Latinx Studies: Research Guide

This guide contains information about conducting scholarly research.


Hello and Welcome! This research guide provides users with helpful tips about the research process and research tools. Included is information about subject-specific databases, journals, and research tips. This guide has been created to gather helpful resources to point users toward places to explore and find materials in the discipline. Any questions can be emailed to or asked at the reference desk. 

Choosing a Research Topic

If you have no idea what to research, there are a few places to go for topic ideas.

  1. Scan news headlines or digests
    1. You have free access to these newspapers through Milne Library, but you need to create an account
      1. The New York Times
      2. The Wall Street Journal
  2. Browse topics in an encyclopedia
    1. Check out CQ Researcher, a database that can help you find research topics or explore trending topics
    2. Use the “Browse Issues” section in the Opposing Viewpoints in Context Database
    3. Go to Credo Reference and browse subjects
  3. Scan chapters or sections in your textbooks to find appropriate topics