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FREN 3508:French Literature and Culture (Fieni) Fall 2022

Treasures of the Alden Room

Scan of a page of music from Diderot's EncyclopediaThe Alden Room houses many treasures, including a pirated edition of Diderot's  Encyclopédie, the 18th century Enlightenment masterpiece.  If you are interested in seeing this 39-volume set firsthand, contact Heather Stalter to arrange for an appointment.  

Milne Library has a plethora of information about the Encyclopédie.  From the Sources tab to the left, you will find websites, articles, and books related to the Encyclopédie, Diderot, and the Enlightenment.  Though not exhaustive, these sources will give you a good start in your own path to enlightenment about the Encyclopédie.

The Alden Room copy of Diderot's Encyclopédie

Title page of Diderot's 18th Century encyclopedia