March 9, 2022 Dialogue Session – Cross Divisional Collaboration
We can better articulate skills gained – use assessment of what was learned and link to learning outcomes.
The new general education idea could lead to micro credentials.
We are capturing a lot of good assessment data and learning outcomes from events and activities through the Campus Connection software.
Employees need to be partners, not territorial. Other people may have good ideas that pertain to your area or work – let’s be open to new ideas.
We are often just one step away from being as fruitful as we can. Sometimes we duplicate efforts. Overarching goals and outcomes can help with strategic collaboration.
Having these dialogue sessions is helping people feel more connected to the institution.
Opportunities to improve communication so different departments can know what others are doing – ways to share news. The Oneonta Bulletin offers a good opportunity here.
Are there ways to share emails or announcements that go to students and parents with faculty and staff?
Would a common meeting time where there are no classes scheduled be helpful? Yes. Would be difficult to have that culture shift, but could be good to foster an environment where people are encouraged to meet more informally, attend events, etc.
We could better foster new talent. Retain younger or newer employees would help us move into the future.
Many of the same people are invited to participate in committees and initiatives – we need to cast a wider net.
Administrative Forums used to be a helpful way to share information or learn what was going on on campus. Is there something similar that could exist but not limited to administrators?