Governor’s expectation to attract a wider pool of students
Are we offering what students want to take?
When they graduate, what value is our degree? Are they employable? Is our curriculum helping meet their goals and expectations?
Hiring issues – especially with staff
Resources are strained
Students aren’t as social and engaged as they were before covid.
Students lack curiosity and are risk averse. Still trying to figure out college life – even the sophomores and juniors
Students are also lacking basic academic & time management skills compared to a few years ago.
Students are hungry for experiences outside of the classroom – last year 80% of students attended at least one event with an average of 8 events per student.
Things are siloed.
Need experiential learning opportunities for programs like math – faculty need help knowing how to deliver not only what the class is, but improve opportunities for experiential learning - how to make it fit with programs that can’t do it naturally
Chance to figure out where we want to go and what students really want
Re engage students through curriculum as a way out of covid
We know how to engage students, we just need to get back to it.
How do we support students better? Use models of support from 1st gen and EOP programs and apply to all students.
Students are hungry for faculty interaction
Prof 120 – college learning strategies – may be a good place to start & other minis through the learning center.
Phased in orientation throughout the entire first semester instead of one weekend.
First year seminar & something similar for transfers
Make a transition course a graduation requirement
Promote inquiry serviced scholarship experiences in the curriculum.
Bring the students in to help identify what they need help on.