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SUNY Oneonta Institutional Planning

Posts: 26
Darren Chase 2022-03-02T10:33:31-05:00

2/4 Dialogue Session Notes, Governance

President’s Dialog Session                                                         Notes compiled by Bill Vining, CAPRA

February 4, 2022



We do not have a strategic plan and now is not a good time to make one. The process of which these dialogs are a part serve as a bridge to a time 18 – 24 months from now, when we will create a strategic plan. For now, come up with an agenda for our new administration on efforts that can take place during this time period.

What it is not: defining a strategic plan or even institutional priorities.

This process was developed jointly between the president and shared governance.

To guide each dialog session, we have four questions:

What are our challenges?

What are our opportunities?

What plans and documents exist that can help us now?

Who are the stakeholders?

Each session has a stated theme, but these should be considered broadly defined.

Part 1. Challenges. Comments by attendees.

a) How do we realign students from online learning to a residential college

We have GenZ and need to adjust to their needs.

This includes many first generation students. We need to learn how to engage them.

b) Budgetary challenges: we need to adjust our spending to fit a smaller ongoing budget.

c) We must align with new incoming student demographics to become more of an institution of “first choice.”

d) How do we attract and retain talented faculty and staff?

e) How do we attract and retain diverse faculty and staff?

f) Succession planning is needed.

g) Should support a diverse student body by helping to increase diversity in town.

Enhance town so as to be attractive to first-generation students.

h) While we want to limit student debt, we need to realize first-generation students are going to need to amass at least some student debt.

Part 2. Opportunities

a) Build spaces on campus to welcome diversified student body.

And help town do the same.

b) Make strong use of ProdigE as a means of diversifying the faculty.

c) Our large one-time budget reserves and Covid funding will help us over the next few years.

d) We have room to increase flexibility on campus to encourage innovation.

e) Students can play a larger role in helping with the work of running the college.

f) Crease on-campus internships.

g) Engage our alumni to aid with challenges on campus.

- Attract students offered work study to take it instead of getting jobs off campus.

- Increase communication between work study office and faculty and staff with needs.

- Make use of HandShake (a kind of Linked In for students).

h) Expand experiential learning situations for students.

In the California system it is observed that experiential learning best benefits students from underserved populations.

We have the infrastructure in place to pursue these opportunities.

i) We can make use of strategic planning and directionality.

j) Offer micro credentials.

k) Offer prior-learning credits, similar to what SUNY Empire (and other universities) does.

l) Work with city/town to make faculty and staff housing more accessible.

Part 3. Resources and Documents

a) Student survey of satisfaction.

b) Enumerate student experiences (not sure if this exists is being requested)

Part 4. Stakeholders

a) Be sure to include the city and town.

Hold community breakfasts.



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