Search the Course Reserves section of the Milne Library Catalog to identify your items and find the call number. For best results search by instructor's last name using the Instructor (last name, first name) option. Note: It is best to use ONLY the last name. Then in the results click on the correct instructor name.
Note the call number and request the material at the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the library.
Reference librarians are available by appointment for up to 1 hour to help students and faculty complete difficult research projects.
The ILLiad system enables current Oneonta students, faculty, and staff to borrow materials from other libraries. Once logged into your ILLiad account using your Oneonta username and password, you will be able to:
(Requesting an item be held for you when it is returned by another patron)
To request that an item that is currently checked out be held for you at the library when it is returned. follow these steps:
Search for your item in the catalog. Click on the Is it Here? link, verify that the Due Date is not “Available” (Available items cannot have a Hold request placed on them).
You will receive an email notifying you the item is available for pickup at the Loan/Reserve Desk in the Milne Library. The item will be available for you to pick up for only 5 days, then it will be returned to the shelves.
To renew books, videos, CDs, DVDs, and other materials you have checked out from Milne Library, follow these steps
Login to your library circulation account
Login with your Oneonta username and password to access your account. Click on the number of Loans for a list of items charged out to you. The number of items loaned to you is the link (not the word "Loans"). Click on the Renew All to renew all your loans or select specific loans to renew and click Renew Selected above the list of items. You will receive verification of the items that were renewed. Click End Session when you are finished.
To request a renewal:
Log into your myOneonta and click the Interlibrary Loan icon OR connect to your ILLiad account under Services on the Library home page Select "Checked Out Items" from the side menu Click the transaction number beside the item to renew Click the red "Renew Request" link at the top of the page. This will transmit your renewal request to the interlibrary loan staff who will then contact the lending library. You will see a statement that indicates “Renewals are no longer allowed for this item”; this indicates that you cannot renew it a second time. Please call the ILL Office (607-436-2726) or email providing the transaction number and title of item you wish to renew.
You should keep the item requested for renewal in your possession until you learn of the new due date OR you are asked to return the item by the staff of the Interlibrary Loan Office because it cannot be renewed. If the item cannot be renewed, you will have 24 hours to return the item to the library or fines may be assessed. Items that are overdue may not be renewed. Journal articles that are photocopied do not have a due date and are yours to keep.
Request that the library order new collection materials.
Any current SUNY Oneonta student can borrow and return items from any SUNY school as if it were your home campus.
When you have collected your item and are ready to check out, please present your SUNY Oneonta ID and tell the person helping you that you are a "SUNY Oneonta walk-in borrower.” This is the specific phrase used across SUNY for this program. Please note that you are responsible for due dates, fines, and fees applied by the school you are borrowing from.
You can also return items at any SUNY library. Most SUNY libraries will process your return immediately and the item return will be reflected on your SUNY Oneonta library account before they send the item back. Some SUNY libraries will not immediately return the item, but will send it back to the school it came from to be returned. Please account for the delay that may be associated with shipping an item back to it’s original institution.
Circulation Office for information about borrowing materials Milne Library owns:
Call the Circulation Office 607-436-2720
For information in general and help with research:
Reference Desk, 607-436-2722,
Interlibrary Loan Office for information about borrowing materials that Milne Library does not own:
607-436-2726 or