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PHED 209 Cultural Competencies in Health and Fitness: Home


This guide will help you get started with finding empirical articles for PHED 209, Cultural Competencies in Health and Fitness. While our session focused on resources specific to locating articles, please take some time to familiarize yourself with other library resources and services. Wishing each of you a successful term.

Library Catalog

Interlibrary Loan

The ILLiad system allows current SUNY Oneonta students, faculty, and staff to obtain materials from other libraries. After creating an account you can:

  • -- borrow items from other libraries
  • -- make online requests for periodical articles from other libraries
  • -- review the status of your requests
  • -- check due dates of outstanding loans
  • -- ask for renewals

Finding Articles


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Heather Stalter
315 Milne Library