You can find the style guide and other resources for APA by visiting the link below.
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Using a company's ticker symbol will help find accurate information and prevent the accidental use of subsidiaries.
You can find a lot of publicly available financial information on companies using the following links from the U.S. government and websites.
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It is best to access this publication within Business Source Complete. To do so, navigate to BSC and, in the search fields, use:
JN "Fortune"
along with your company name in the following field.
Note that BSC uses "Strategic Planning" as an alternative for "Strategic Management"
It is important to try to find company information from reports that have been published within the past two years. Tables of contents can help you find specific company information. It is also important to check multiple sources as some will fill in gaps other sources do not cover.
Research global companies and industries with in-depth analysis through current news, statistical data, and comprehensive reports.