The children’s books are located on the second floor of the Milne Library in the area loosely known as the Dewey Area. The children’s fiction books are located in the EASY section and are arranged by the first three letters of the author’s last name. The nonfiction books are located in the Child Coll section and are arranged using the Dewey Decimal System. This classification system is the system most school libraries use.
To locate specific titles, you can use the library’s Milne Search function on the library homepage. Beneath the search bar on the Search tab, you will see a link for Advanced Search. Click on that. You will then see a large search box. On this page, you can select the Children’s Collection. By selecting this choice, you can search specifically for books in the Children’s Collection. This function allows you to filter out books that would not be in that particular area.
The databases listed below were talked about in our virtual class. These databases are made for K-12 students, so all the content will be grade level and age appropriate. In both databases you will see a link in the upper right hand corner, it will either say Educator or Educator Tools. From here you can specify specific NYS standards and find materials within the database that correlates to each one.
Search Elementary, Middle and High databases, containing articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools, and recommended web sites.