Welcome to the virtual guide for EDUC 246! This guide will help you find resources to complete your text set assignment!
When you are creating a search query to use when locating resources in databases, it is helpful to brainstorm multiple keywords.
For example, let's say my topic is the effect reading at a young age has on adolescent literacy development.
Typing the whole topic into a search box will not be effective. While Google tends to use more natural language searching, databases are much more specific. If you are doing a keyword search with the whole topic written in, the database will look for every single word in that phrase and pull up anything that has the word "effect" in it. Thus, you see many results that are not helpful.
To have a more successful search, you will want to keep in mind three things.
The first thing to keep in mind is to brainstorm as many synonyms as possible. If I were looking at my topic and trying to think of ways to describe adolescents, I might come up with the following words: adolescent, teen, young adult, youth
A keyword search in a database will only pull up the words that you are searching. By generating multiple words to describe the same thing, you can try different search phrases to get the best results. If adolescent is not bringing up many results, switch it out with young adult and run the search again.
The second thing to keep in mind is to use more concise language. A better search query for the topic listed above might be "effect and reading and toddlers and literacy". When I search that in a database, my results will only pull up sources that have the words effect, reading, toddlers, and literacy in them.
The third thing to keep in mind is to use boolean operators. The three main operators are and, or, not. Each serves a purpose in a search query. Read more about the different types of Boolean Operators in the box labeled "Boolean Operators" below.
Boolean operators are words or symbols that are used in conjunction with words to refine searches.
Here are six helpful ones to use:
Search & Discover provides sweeping access to books, ebooks, articles, movies, music, and more through a user-driven platform supporting your research interests. You can use Search & Discover without signing in. However, to access e-books, you will need to sign in when prompted.
There are two main ways to use Search & Discover.
Everything allows you to search simultaneously for books, ebooks, articles, movies, music, and more. You may use keywords, titles, authors, or phrases. Refine your results using the choices on the left. For example, if you want to discover the newest results then select Sort by. Explore Resource Type, also on the left, to get a sense of the various materials available to you.
Library Catalog is commonly used to search the physical collections of the James M. Milne Library, including ebooks, by an author’s name or a book’s title. You may also use keywords to search the library catalog, which contains the table of contents for many records. Subject headings are included in keyword searching and are assigned to all library catalog holdings.
While Everything and Library Catalog are two of the main searching functions in Search & Discover, there are others available for use. Child Collection, Course Reserves, EMC Media, NY State Collection, Reference, Special Collections (SCC), SUNY Catalog, and Young Adult (YA) are all options to choose from. These collections can be searched exclusively by selecting them in the top menu. For example, selecting Child Collection will include results only from that collection.
***You can also check out items at Hartwick College with your SUNY Oneonta ID card.***
There are many databases that will be helpful for finding resources for your text sets. To access a list of databases, go to the library homepage and click on the link for Databases listed in the left hand side navigation menu. You can then use the drop down subject menu located in the top left to browse databases by subject. Or you can use the alphabetical listing to access specific databases.
Below you will find a list of databases that will be helpful for finding materials for your text set. The list is a general guide to get you started. It is not exhaustive.
Multidisciplinary collection of streaming video, covering history, anthropology, education, art, diversity studies, business, music, literature, performing arts, psychology, counseling, science, world languages and more.
Ebook series includes written transcriptions of interviews with over 2000 former slaves from seventeen states, including those collected by the Federal Writers' Project. Many of the interviews occurred in the 1930s and 1940s.
Search Elementary, Middle and High databases, containing articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, research tools, and recommended web sites.
Database contains unique primary source materials for the study of American social, cultural, and popular history in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Explore documents from the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture, Duke University and The New York Public Library.
Database contains thousands of full-length programs and streaming video segments in the humanities, social sciences, business, economics, medicine, mathematics, and sciences from producers including Cambridge Educational, BBC, CNBC, National Geographic, TEDTalks, and PBS.
Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video platform for public and academic libraries that offers films, TV shows and documentaries.
Provides over 100,000 pages of fiction and poetry representing Chicano culture and the various ethnicities of Latin American writers working in the United States, together with over 450 plays.
Includes over 850 full-text U.S. and international newspapers as well as over 800,000 television and radio news transcripts.
There are many places to locate Children's Books Online. Many publishers will have channels on YouTube where authors or other people read a story. Many times they share the pictures on the screen as well. Below you will find a list of places to find picture books online. Some are video formatted (where you watch someone read the story), while others are scanned copies of the books that you can then flip through to see each page without audio narration. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but to be a place to get you started finding popular and historical titles.
Librarians are available to help in several ways:
While the library has a great selection of resources, sometimes you may need to venture outside the library's virtual collection depending on your topic. Below you will find a list of websites that may prove useful for your text set.