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COMP 1011: The College Research Essay (Christiansen) Summer 2024 1011

Librarian: Dr. Mary Lynn Bensen

How do I find books using Milne Search?

Under Milne Search on the library website, click on Advanced Search.  On the next screen, click on Library Catalog.

You are now ready to enter keywords for your topic in the search box.

What are keywords?

Keywords are the important words for names, places, or ideas related to your topic.  You can use these keywords as search terms.

For example:

Topic:  effect of social media use on the mental health of teenagers

Keyword possibilities include types of social media, nature of effects on mental health and related terms for each.


Population                                         Focus                                                   Effect

Youth                                                   Social Media/Networking                Mental Health

Young Adult/s                                    Instagram                                            Loneliness

Teen(ager/s)                                      TikTok                                                   Anxiety

Adolescent/s                                                                                                   Depression

Your Topic:


Keywords for Your Topic:

Start the search:

  1. Start with a set of keywords (three or less) and enter them in the Library Catalog search box(es) and click on Search.  For example:  adolescents social media anxiety
  2. Check the list of results for titles related to your topic.
  3. If desired, limit the list of results to electronic or print books available in Milne Library.
  • For print books, limit your results to those Held by Library.
  • For e-books, limit your results to those Available Online.
  1. If appropriate sources are not in the list of results, repeat your search using different search terms from your keyword list.
  2. Follow directions below to find books:
  • For books available online:        
  • Click on the title of the book.
  • Under View Online—Full text availability, link to any database listed and then to

the full text of the book.

  • For print books in Milne Library:
  • Note the call number for the book.
  • Use the information guide Library Floor Plans to find the book on the shelf.

Check out the book at the Circulation Desk on the main floor with your ID card.