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COMP 1011 The College Research Essay (Kennedy) Summer 2024

How to Find a Book in the Library Catalog

Search & Discover provides sweeping access to books, ebooks, articles, movies, music, and more through a user-driven platform supporting your research interests. You can use Search & Discover without signing in. However, to access e-books, you will need to sign in when prompted.

There are two main ways to use Search & Discover.

Milne Search allows you to search simultaneously for books, ebooks, articles, movies, music, and more. You may use keywords, titles, authors, or phrases. Refine your results using the choices on the left. For example, if you want to discover the newest results then select Sort by. Explore Resource Type, also on the left, to get a sense of the various materials available to you.

Library Catalog is commonly used to search the physical collections of the James M. Milne Library, including ebooks, by an author’s name or a book’s title. You may also use keywords to search the library catalog, which contains the table of contents for many records. Subject headings are included in keyword searching and are assigned to all library catalog holdings.

While Milne Search and Library Catalog are two of the main searching functions in Search & Discover, there are others available for use. Child Collection, Course Reserves, EMC Media, NY State Collection, Reference, Special Collections (SCC), SUNY Catalog, and Young Adult (YA) are all options to choose from. These collections can be searched exclusively by selecting them in the top menu. For example, selecting Child Collection will include results only from that collection. 

Most physical (print) materials can be checked out for the whole semester at the Circulation Desk on the first floor.  All you need is your ID!  A few collections, such as Special Collections and the Reference Collection, do not circulate but can be used in the Library.

Check out the video tutorial below for step-by-step instructions:

Locating Online Resources

You can find electronic magazine, newspaper, and journal articles by using the library's databases. Some databases are general and cover many topics, such as Academic Search Complete.  Others are more focused on a particular subject, such as science or literature. To access the databases, click on the database tab on the library homepage. You can then browse through them alphabetically, or browse by discipline (i.e., gender studies, history, etc.). 

Academic Search Complete is a great place to start!  For controversial topics, Opposing Viewpoints or Points of View Reference Center are worth checking out. For news articles, you can try Newspaper Source Plus or New York Times, there are more available in our database section.  A good website for news is