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HDFS 2000: Marriage and Family Relationship (Tolson) Fall 2023

How to find a book using the Library Catalog

The library has hundreds of thousands of print books on all different topics, including:

~ Academic, subject-specific books (for instance psychology, biology, history, geography, the environment, music scores, philosophy, calculus, art, etc.)

~ Poetry

~ Popular Fiction

~ Classic Literature

~ Young Adult

~ Graphic Novels

Most physical (print) materials can be checked out for the whole semester at the Circulation Desk on the first floor.  All you need is your ID!  A few collections, such as Special Collections and the Reference Collection, do not circulate but can be used in the Library.

To search for books, go to the Library website and click on Library Catalog.

Type in your keyword(s), and click Search.  This will search for both print books and e-books.  To narrow to just print books, select Held By Library under Availability and Books under Resource Type. 


Check out the video tutorial below for step-by-step instructions:

How to Check Out a Book (Video 2:16)