Library Worksheet
Purpose of research essay/type of writing:
Topic of research:
Identify potentially useful information sources, including books, magazine, journal, and newspaper articles, etc., by using the library’s discovery service Milne Search.
Identify the essential keywords that represent the focus or idea of your topic. Consider synonyms, variations of words, plurals, abbreviations that need to be spelled out, and keywords that represent broader and narrower aspects of your topic.
These keywords will serve as search terms in various combinations for finding information sources in library databases, such as Milne Search, and other research tools.
For example, to research the mental health effects of social media on teenagers, use combinations of the following keywords to search for information sources:
Population Focus Effect
Youth Social Media Mental Health
Young Adult/s Instagram Loneliness
Teen(ager/s) TikTok Anxiety
For your topic, create lists of keywords with which you can begin to explore Milne Search.
Using combinations of these keywords, find four information sources for your essay by using Milne Search. Create citations for each source using proper MLA style.