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SPMT 3215: Leadership in Sport Management (Fierke) Fall 2022

Databases to Find Empirical Articles

Databases provide access to articles and other information; sometimes the full text is available but sometimes only the abstract and citation information are available (in which case you can request the item through interlibrary loan). Databases can include access to peer-reviewed articles, magazine articles, newspaper articles, etc.  Some are specialized by topic, and some are interdisciplinary.  Check out this guide from SUNY New Paltz to learn more about what databases actually are, and how they differ from google.

Milne Library subscribes to hundreds of databases.  Those listed below are a good start for your work in this class:

Video Tutorial

For a quick overview of Academic Search Complete, watch the short and information-packed video below.  Many of the tips and tricks you'll learn in this video can be applied to other databases, including those above!