Below you will find a list of journals or magazines that may be helpful.
Below you will find a list of databases that may be helpful to take a look at.
Indexing and abstracts for thousands of journals related to technology, applied science, and computer science. Full-text is available for about 1200 journals. Coverage is from 1912 to the present.
HeinOnline’s Gun Regulation and Legislation in America brings together essential periodicals, compiled legislative histories, CRS reports, Congressional hearings, United States Supreme Court briefs, monographs, and other related materials on the difficult and controversial topic of regulating firearms in the United States. This resource is free for U.S. academics and other institutional libraries. We encourage you to add this database to your list of available resources in order to share its availability with all library patrons. Provided by SUNY Connect.
One of the world's most important scientific journals. Full text coverage is from 2006-present.
Despite the name, Victorian Popular Culture provides access to a wide range of primary source material related to popular entertainment in America and Europe in the period from 1779 to 1930.
Daily Life World Folklore and Folklife is an invaluable multicultural and multidisciplinary resource that offers an exciting, multimedia gateway to social history and social studies. Tracing the origins and development of all aspects of traditional cultures around the world, it bridges the gap between past and present.
Can be used for course content: Excellent primary source collections.
Daily Life World Folklore and Folklife allows users to research topics from scary stories to gender roles with ease. Thousands of folktales have been specially indexed to be searchable by subject and tale type, region, or country. Supporting the curriculum in the areas of world cultures, history, arts, literature, and language, this expansive database is the only electronic resource broad enough to provide both folk material and the textual content needed to understand it.
Below you will find a list of helpful websites to take a look at.