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HIST 2504/ALS 2504: Introduction to African History (Unangst) FALL 2022, 104 – 01 Assignment 1

Librarian: Mary Lynn Bensen

Online Reference Databases

Cambridge Histories Online                                                                                                   Under Databases on library website

This database includes the complete text of over 350 scholarly titles in the Cambridge History Series.  Each title is also listed individually in the library’s online catalog. 

Gale Virtual Reference Library                                                                                              Under Databases on library website

A collection of full-text reference books covering many subjects, including science, math, and engineering.

Britannica Academic                                                                                                               Under Databases on library website

Standard reference source for information across the disciplines.  Includes links to additional material in periodical articles and books, including primary sources.

Sage Knowledge Online                                                                                                         Under Databases on library website

Selected full text of reference sources across the disciplines. 

Print reference books on African history can be found in Ref DT on Milne Library’s 1st floor and in the library’s sub-basement (SB).