Art History Ref N 5300 S923 2002
Dictionary of the History of Ideas Ref CB 5 D52
Encyclopedia of Aesthetics Ref BH 56 E53 2014
Encyclopedia of Ethics Ref BJ 63 E45 2001
Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment Ref B 802 E53 2003
International Encyclopedia of Political Science Ref JA 61 I58 2011
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Ref B 51 R68 1998
and under Databases
on library web site
Writers and Literature
British Writers Ref PR 85 B688 v. 3
Gustave Flaubert: A Documentary Volume Ref PQ 2247 G84 2004 SB
Handbook of Russian Literature Ref PG 2940 H 29
History of Continental Philosophy (Dostoevsky) Ref B 791 H57 2010 v. 3
Literature and its Times Ref PN 50 L574 1997
Nineteenth-century French Fiction Writers: Ref PQ 655 N56 1992 SB
Romanticism and Realism 1800-1860
Russian Novelists in the Age of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky Ref PG 3098.3 R874 2001 SB
Literary Terms
Glossary of Literary Terms Ref PN 41 A184 2015
Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History Ref D 23 B45 2010
Encyclopedia of Russian History Ref DK 14 2004
Cambridge Histories Online Online under Databases on library website
This database includes the complete text of over 300 scholarly books in the Cambridge History Series. Each title is also listed individually in the library’s online catalog. These titles provide excellent bibliographies for further research. Use the alphabetical title list under Databases on the library web site to Cambridge Histories Online.