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PHIL 206 (PHIL 2750): The Philosophy of Life & Death (Koeddermann) Spring 2022 206:01

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

InterLibrary Loan (ILL) Service

The ILLiad system enables current SUNY Oneonta students, faculty, and staff to obtain academic and intellectual materials from other libraries. Your ILLiad account will allow you to:

  • borrow items or request periodical items from other libraries,
  • review the status of ILL requests, and
  • check due dates or renew outstanding ILL loans.

Finding Books & Articles from Other Libraries

WorldCat is a global catalog of over 10,000 library collections. You can use WorldCat to find print books that Milne Library doesn't own, and request them using our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service.