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Social Justice & Anti-Racism: Covid-19


Covid-19 and the Social Sciences

Covid-19 has upended societies and dramatically altered everyday life across the globe. Our present circumstances, while unprecedented, have been profoundly shaped by persistent societal realities—such as entrenched racial and economic inequality, the proliferation of misinformation, and anxieties about the ability of the world’s democracies to confront major crises. In-depth social understanding will be vital to apprehending the crisis and charting a path forward.

This site provides access to initiatives such as #coronavirussyllabus, Youth disconnection in the age of Coronavirus, Autoethnographies of a Pandemic from Brooklyn's Epicenter; essays, and more.



Reading Lists

Black Feminist Perspectives on Covid-19: A Reading List

Excellent resource of materials provided by Black Women Radicals, including podcasts, webinars, books, and articles